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RECREATIONAL (Once a week, for fun!)


We offer many classes for gymnasts attending sessions once a week. Children are usually split into age appropriate classes. We run a boys-only mixed aged class.


All of our sessions are run by qualified British Gymnastics coaches, providing knowledge and experience.





Recreational Gymnastics 




4.30pm-5.30pm (girls Key Stage 1)


5.30pm-6.30pm (girls Key Stage 2)


6.30pm-7.30pm (boys class, mixed age)


7.30pm-8.40pm (girls Key Stage 3 &4)




9.00am-10.00am (girls Key stage 1 & 2)



Please note that class age ranges may vary slightly, depending on spaces available. We also run a number of invitational competitive classes.



During classes we work on a variety of gymnastics skills, towards British Gymnastics awards and club events.

Classes are held on a Wednesday evening and Saturday morning during term time. Fees are usually collected termly and charged at £6.50 for the hours class.


COMPETITIVE - Acrobatic Gymnastics


Gymnasts who show potential and have a great attitude towards gymnastics will invited to join our competition pathway, specilaising in Acrobatic Gymnastics. Places in our competitive groups are subject to availibility, as well as a willingness to commit to all training sessions.



Gymnasts work in pairs or groups, performing a routine to music. Acrobatic gymnastics combines the strength, flexibility and technical precision of gymnastics with the grace of dance, as well as the trust of a dedicated partnership. Gymnasts in our competitive groups work towards regional competitions, festivals, displays and smaller competitions.











Click on the video to watch British Gymnatics - Discover Acrobatics

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